Caspian-Black Sea corridor VOL.2


Through the discussion around the Caspian-Black Sea Corridor, we resume our travel into the potential of the logistics, transportation and economic Universe of Georgia.

Firstly, we are excited to see our followers’ involvement and discussion. Your active engagement inspires us to make our blogs more interactive.

In the previous blog ( we introduced you to the East-West motorway and the role of Georgia as the Bridge between Europe and Asia, and at the end, we promised to show you for next, some data, that depict the volume of cargo transportation and transit.


According to the newest statistical data about border-crossing of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia ( ): overall 335,252 trailer trucks entered Georgia in 2020 through the Sarfi, Sadakhlo, and Red Bridge custom services. And through the same points exited Georgia 321,118 trailers. Nearly half of them - 185,719 trailers were transit. We show you only those crossing points which are exclusively connected to the Caspian-Black Sea Corridor. Herewith, let’s do not forget that amid the world pandemic, cargo turnover and business activities have been significantly sluggish.


Yet, we see quite impressive figures. And if to above-mentioned we apply also numbers from Batumi and Poti ports and data from other borders (Kazbegi, Ninotsminda, Kartsakh, Tsodna, Vale & Guguti), we will see the immense potential of our country if the transport-logistical policy is developed in proper way.


Talking about border points, it is worth mentioning a point of the village Matsimi (former Tsodna) at the Azerbaijani-Georgia borderline. It is significant since the previously mentioned international motorway E-60 geographically begins in Georgia from the South-East part (ref. photo of the blog). While Matsimi Border point is situated geographically in the utmost eastern part of Georgia. It means that in case the cargo travels in the direction or from the Caspian-Central Asia region the enter/exit point for Georgia could be exactly Matsimi Border. This way the cargo will pass more distance and stay longer on the Georgian Territory. However, this happens rarely. Why? because the Kakheti Region (the Eastern part of the country) is not as developed as the west direction. There we already have a 4-lane, fully equipped motorway. Projects for the development of Kakheti in terms of transportation and logistics has been already begun this year. The first new 15.5-long motorway that bypasses cities and villages has been already inaugurated. According to recent information, many more road projects are slated for the future. Considering this news, we suggest you to discuss and analyze upcoming road projects in this region and let’s together reflect how it will boost the economic and international transportation activities.

As for our main topic for today – the Caspian-Black Sea Corridor, we will bring here a bright example to even more emphasize its importance for world logistics. As we know, the international peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan is completing and coalition forces are already withdrawing their personnel, technics, equipment, and other related infrastructure from there. According to experts, this process is the largest logistical operation in the world since the end of WWII. It is worth mentioning that all the transportation conducted overland passes through our country, using the Georgian part of the Caspian-Black Sea Corridor. Naturally, all this creates tremendous material and economic benefits for Georgia. Even after the completion of the mission, Georgia stays as an important player representing a logistical hub.


Hence, we already have a full picture of the role of Georgia in terms of East-West Logistics. Stay with us, more interesting is awaiting you.


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